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Centrecorp grew out of the ambitions of the Central Australian Aboriginal people in the 1980s for Aboriginal economic development and participation in the NT resource and tourist development boom.


Centrecorp was incorporated in 1985 and began with an investment of $1500. Thirty years later it is trustee for over $200 million worth of investments that are used to support funding to Aboriginal people of Central Australia. 


The charitable Centrecorp Foundation was officially established in 2009 with a focus on education and assisting young Aboriginal people in disadvantaged circumstances and is fully funded by Centrecorp. Amongst other charitable and social programs, we currently fund over 150 Aboriginal students to attend private schools.

Strength & Business

Centrecorp’s strength as a very successful private organisation is due to three key factors: leadership and governance; focus on commercial investments; and strategic partnerships. Centrecorp has benefited from strong, united and dedicated leadership and sound governance that has remained focused on the vision and intent of Centrecorp.


The majority of Centrecorp’s investments are 50/50 business partnerships. Centrecorp is commercially strategic with its partnerships, investing in 50% of businesses who have the necessary industry specific expertise and skills and who have equal incentive to profit from the business.


Centrecorp can thus invest in real estate, motor vehicle businesses and tourism ventures without needing to develop costly expertise in those areas.  Centrecorp’s business interests are nationwide and industry diverse.

The Centrecorp Foundation

To make a beneficial and ongoing difference to the lives of Aboriginal people in Central Australia. The Centrecorp Foundation is primarily focused on the needs of young Aboriginal people in disadvantaged circumstances.


The composition of the Foundation’s Board provides broad representation to identify, assess and decide on donations. The Centrecorp Foundation is primarily funded by Centrecorp.

The Centrecorp Foundation maintains a focus on education, aiding youths from disadvantaged families who might otherwise be unable to pursue their aspirations and abilities at primary and secondary school.

The Centrecorp Foundation encourages and supports a broad range of activities including participation in sporting, cultural, personal development, community service and social activities.

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